November 21, 14:00 (EST)

Angular Meetup

Join us for angular-specific talks every month in the comfort of your own home where ever you are in the world!

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Creating an inclusive web through free developer resources. Keep up with the evolution of the web platform through our articles, online events, videos, and podcasts.

Ryan Chenkie

Developer & Trainer at Elevate

Making software with JavaScript, Angular, React, Node, and GraphQL


Taming Forms in Angular

Just like AngularJS was pushing the boundaries of web development at it's time of creation, Angular is pushing hard again. We believe in its success and think investing time to learn it now, will be time very well spent.

Angular’s developer tooling
Angular’s services

Kara Erickson

Tech Lead of Angular's framework team

TL on Angular framework @ Google. Opinions are my own

Shmuela Jacobs

GDE, Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft

You will always see a smile on Shmuela's face, but if you want to add some extra glow in her eyes talk to her about Angular, community, or her little ngBaby. As a Google Developer Expert, she teaches, consults and speaks about Web and Angular all around the world.


Reactive Powered: RxJS with Angular Forms

Angular’s Reactive Forms module gives us a lot of control and flexibility to easily build and define our forms. While looking at async data and form lifecycle events as streams, we can leverage the power of RxJS to react to these events. Presenting a non-trivial custom form control, Shmuela will show how she uses Observables when creating the form, reacting to value and state changes, and validating the input.

November 21, 14:00 (EST)

Michael Hladky

Google Developer Expert in Angular
November 21, 14:00 (EST)

Kamil Mysliwiec

Creator of NestJS

Sani Yusuf

GDE, Founder Of Haibrid

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Big thanks who helped with this meetup