November 20, 13:00 (EST)

Vue Meetup

Join us for vue-specific talks every month in the comfort of your own home where ever you are in the world!

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Creating an inclusive web through free developer resources. Keep up with the evolution of the web platform through our articles, online events, videos, and podcasts.

Evan You

Creator of Vue.js

Husband, father of two, creator of Vuejs and connoisseur of sushi.


Vue 3 State of Vue Typescript

The growth of Vue continues and we are almost ready for Vue 3. As ever Evan You will deliver the State of Vuenion 2020, if we are lucky maybe we see some Typescript code from him ;)

Vue 2020
Vue’s services

Adam Jahr

Teacher at VueMastery

Host of the official Vue News Podcast, Vue.js Community Partner


Vue Announcer - Content Loading That Isn't Broken

How Vue-Announcer can help you create Accessible Single-Page Applications. Vue-Announcer announces useful information for screen reader users. Learn how to use this plugin to customize receive alerts and notifications as users navigate your application.

Single-Page App

Natalia Tepluhina

Core Team Member of Vue.js

Vuejs core team, Senior Frontend Engineer
at gitlab, GoogleDevExpert


You might not need Vuex

This talk will be about using Apollo Client as local state management in Vue application. Natalia will share some best practices as well as caveats. If there are any other GraphQL-related talks, this could be a nice complement to them, if it's a single GraphQL talk I can pack it full with both GraphQL and Apollo local state management details

November 21, 14:00 (EST)

Michael Thiessen

Software developer
November 21, 14:00 (EST)

Jennifer Bland

Founder of

Filip Rakowski

Co-founder VueStorefront

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Big thanks who helped with this meetup