November 19, 14:00 (EST)

React Meetup

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Creating an inclusive web through free developer resources. Keep up with the evolution of the web platform through our articles, online events, videos, and podcasts.

Kent C. Dodds

Trainer, USA

Kent C. Dodds is a world renowned speaker, teacher, and trainer and he's actively involved in the open source community as a maintainer and contributor of hundreds of popular npm packages. Kent is the creator of and he's an instructor on


How Many Ways to Say I'm Sorry, Error Handling in React

Error handling is an important subject matter as it cuts across concerns from creating resilient code as well as improving user experience. The talk will be broken down into the following structure:

Modern ways to handle errors in React. Mental models for determining which parts of the UI should handle their own errors. How error handling reduced our customer success workload. Some live coding full of errors.

Reacts’s developer tooling
React’s services

Sara Vieira

CodeSandbox, Germany

Sara is a developer at CodeSandbox. GraphQL and Open Source enthusiast. Conference Speaker and Airport expert. She's also a fan of horror movies, has talents such as banging sticks into a drum kit and saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Uri Goldshtein

The Guild, Netherlands

Uri is the founder of The Guild, a group of open source developers working around the world to help create important open source libraries, mostly around GraphQL. They support large companies to go through successful technological transformations.


Modern React apps with Hooks, Suspense, Context, and Firebase

November 21, 14:00 (EST)

Claudia Nadalin

Developer at Microsoft

David Khourshid

Software developer
November 21, 14:00 (EST)

Alex Reardon

Software developer

Isabela Moreira

Senior UX Engineer

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Big thanks who helped with this meetup